Our Mission
Carmelite life is Christian life. Hence, it is a life of constant
conversion as we strive to live in allegiance to and discipleship of
Jesus Christ. In this endeavour, the Blessed Virgin Mary is our model
and companion. Like her, our call is to a ‘hidden union with God’ for
the sake of the Church and the world.
Although prayer and contemplation is at the very heart of Carmel, they
are not separated from nor do they exclude the apostolate. On the
contrary, it is our prayer and contemplation that impel us to and are
the fruitful source of our apostolate. Therefore, it is from a close
union with God in Jesus Christ that Carmelite mission originates.
In keeping with our Marian spirit, the primary mission of Carmel is prayer and contemplation, understood as loving friendship with God. This relationship of intimacy with God, mediated and fostered by Jesus Christ, is the raison d’etre of Carmel.
The mission of Carmel then is a blend of both contemplation and the apostolate. This blend, however, is variously expressed by the three branches of the Order. Whereas for the Nuns the apostolate is purely contemplative, the Friars and Seculars participate in manifold ways in the works of the Church.
Carmelite mission is in the service of the Church and of all humankind. In keeping with the charism and inspiration of St. Teresa, Carmelite prayer and contemplation are ardently apostolic and ecclesial. They are graces for the Church in her service to the world. Carmelite prayer and contemplation are directed to the support, welfare, and apostolic fruitfulness of all those engaged in the work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.